August 1, 2021 (Global News Distribution) -
Asks employers to consider their role in managing health and safety in the workplace in the coming months; With new recommendation for masks in public indoor settings in certain areas, leading healthcare cloud platform gives corporate America fast, easy and secure access to safety and wellness analytics
ShareMy.Health, a leading healthcare cloud platform, at the Employee Benefits Leadership Forum, sponsored by The Council for Insurance Agents & Brokers (CIAB) today released an open letter to corporate America, in light of the latest CDC guidelines responding to the worldwide Covid-19 Delta variant surge, urging employers to adopt best practices in workforce screening and analytics and to execute preventative risk management procedures. (The CIAB is using the ShareMy.Health platform to manage Covid-19 safety protocols, vaccine credentials and analytics to mitigate health and safety risk.)
As employees are reentering the workplace, many are encountering a mixed immunity environment. Widely different viewpoints on vaccinations, distancing practices, and adherence to CDC, federal and state guidelines are the order of the day.
Although vaccinations have proven to be making the environment safer, public health and government officials have made less progress on addressing the reality of “risk compensation.” A vaccine heralded as the panacea to the pandemic may further weaken employer health and safety measures—depending on the measures taken, or not taken.
“At ShareMy.Health, we believe the use of technology and analytics can help employers provide a safe work environment for their employees,” said Galen Murdock, founder and CEO of ShareMy.Health. “It’s imperative that we stay ahead of the regulations by implementing a plan that balances the equation of risk versus reward. Organizations should have the right to design and implement their own safety and wellness protocols. They—not the government or other third parties—are ultimately responsible for employee safety, employee productivity, and growth outcomes of their respected business.”
How a business will look and function in this new environment depends on multiple factors. A company won’t be able to control all those factors, but they can embrace some of them now to accelerate their workforce strategy and reduce risk compensation.
To that end, ShareMy.Health released today the open letter “Risk Compensation: Managing Health and Safety in the Workplace in Today’s New Normal.”
ShareMy.Health helps businesses and organizations successfully manage the post-pandemic vaccinated, unvaccinated, and changing workplace. Through health screenings, credential management and intelligent analytics to manage employee safety and wellness, ShareMy.Health reduces risk, identifies early intervention of health issues, and lowers the cost of safety and wellness programs.
About ShareMy.Health
ShareMy.Health is a leading healthcare cloud platform enabling decision-making through multifaceted health screenings, immunology, virology and prohibitive substance data. Organizations and individuals can easily verify, securely share, and manage health credential data. Based in Salt Lake City, ShareMy.Health combines a digital health passport, allowing real-time verification of COVID-related credentials, such as FDA-authorized test and vaccine results, right on your mobile device. ShareMy.Health preserves privacy, protects every entrance with a health passport, and helps employees, professional sports leagues, customers, participants and students return safely to work, school and live events with confidence and comfort. For more information about the commercially available ShareMy.Health platform visit
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