Arthur Freydin Talks Role of E-Commerce Marketing in an Economic Downturn

Recent economic downturns provided e-commerce with a growth opportunity, and Arthur Freydin explains how ad spend helped.

The COVID-19 pandemic tested many sectors of global society and numerous industries. As the human tragedy unfolded, supply chain weaknesses, ill-advised inventory management, and other factors combined to close some businesses and elevate others.

Many of the businesses thriving during shutdowns and excelling as the economy rebounded and inflation later soared were e-commerce businesses.

Arthur Freydin, an NYC-based performance marketing specialist, is an expert on leveraging ad dollars to help e-commerce companies experience massive growth in a short time period. Many of these e-commerce firms helped set themselves apart with savvy ad investments and unique marketing to grab the attention of consumers overwhelmed with options.

Instagram and Facebook ad spend with Arthur Freydin’s approach

According to the 2019 HubSpot State of Marketing Report, Facebook ads provided the best return on investment in the business when compared to other web-based platforms, such as Google ads. Arthur Freydin specializes in paid advertising across social media platforms and focuses on Meta’s Facebook and Instagram platforms to scale sales.

Advertising via these social sites helps companies connect with a large pool of potential customers based on strategic targeting. Reaching customers hovering near the top of the funnel creates the opportunity for explosive growth.

For businesses just getting started in this space, Arthur Freydin begins with ad spends as low as $3,000 per month. As the business grows and sales increase, spending increases to over $100,000 per month to fuel new customer acquisition and increase brand awareness.

In the small business space, the potential for a budget to grow so high can be daunting, making it important to partner with a noted firm for campaign management. The business is then free to focus on managing sales, securing products, and providing customer service as the ad firm manages changes in social media advertising and crafts strategies that make it possible to pivot in adverse times.

Ads in economic downturns

Historically, increasing ad spend in economic downturns is a positive marketing strategy. It worked pre-digital ads and has maintained its efficacy in e-commerce for a few reasons. The most important is it helps put or keep products and services on consumers’ radars. If consumer discretionary spending is limited, it’s more important to stand out and secure a portion of those dollars.

E-commerce stores fold in the best of times, but an economic downturn can expedite the process. This creates a unique opportunity for businesses surviving or thriving to grab a larger share of the market through strategic launching of new products or targeted spend ready to reach a customer base looking for a new option.

Arthur Freydin reports decreased competition may also mean reduced ad costs, making it possible to reach even more leads with a set amount of advertising dollars.


Caroline Hunter
Web Presence, LLC
+1 7865519491

SOURCE: Tandem Marketing

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