Informative Book Introduces a New Age of Medicine with the Help of Hydrogen Gas, Hydrogen Water, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

Dr. Mark Sircus explains the importance of hydrogen inhalation therapy in ‘Hydrogen Medicine’

Every once in a while, a breakthrough comes into the world of medicine. In Dr. Mark Sircus’s new book, “Hydrogen Medicine: Combining Oxygen, Hydrogen, and CO2,” he introduces a revolution in medicine through combining the use of hydrogen gas with oxygen and carbon dioxide in most medical situations. These three primary gases will help ICU departments, emergency rooms and ambulatory medicine, all of whom work with life and death situations.

Dr. Sircus offers a first comprehensive look at hydrogen medicine to doctors, nurses and patients that will excite them with the positive effects from this form of treatment that promotes a longer, healthier and happier life.

“This form of medicine is something that needs to be talked about,” said Dr. Sircus. “’Hydrogen Medicine’ illustrates a medical advance that is safe and effective using the primary gases of life. When we realize that without CO2, there would be no oxygen or that oxygen is toxic when there is no CO2 present, and that hydrogen is deeply healing, we witness the importance of combining these essential gases.”

“Hydrogen Medicine” not only can benefit patients with life-threatening diseases, but it is also for those looking for beautiful skin and significant reductions in chronic pain and inflammation. These blended gases will provide maximum healing potential and can even be an anti-ageing treatment.

Ultimately, Dr. Sircus’s book shows that hydrogen medicine is a gentle but effective way to regain health and vitality. The author’s experience is peppered throughout the book and will show readers how beneficial this new way of medicine can be.

“Hydrogen Medicine: Combining Oxygen, Hydrogen, and CO2”
By Dr. Mark Sircus
ISBN: 978-1-6632-2350-0 (softcover); 978-1-6632-2352-4 (hardcover); 978-1-6632-2351-7 (electronic)
Available at iUniverseAmazon and Barnes & Noble

About the author
Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) (acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine) is a prolific writer and author of some excellent medical and health-related books. His books are heavily referenced, but the layperson finds little difficulty understanding his presentation. His primary research is into the causes of disease. He has created a new form of medicine that he calls Natural Allopathic Medicine. It focuses on various topics such as pH management, cell voltage, magnesium and iodine medicine, cannabinoid medicine, carbon dioxide medicine, re-mineralization of the body, and more. The exciting part of Dr. Sircus’s protocol is that it is easy to learn, and anyone can start implementing it at home without a doctor. To learn more, please visit

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