Logit.io Announces The General Availability of OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards

Manchester, UK, 27 June 2022, Logit.io, the UK-based observability platform that helps businesses around the globe deliver scale by providing a complete solution for managing the leading open-source tools for metrics and log analysis, today announced the general availability of OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards 2.0 on their platform. 

OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards is an open-source search and analytics suite, that is the newest addition to Logit.io’s fully managed platform that also includes hosted ELK (consisting of Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana), Open Distro, Prometheus and Grafana.

OpenSearch and OpenSearch dashboards are the current definitions that refer to the rebranded offering of Open Distro for Elasticsearch which was announced by Amazon Web Services (AWS) on September 8th, 2021.

OpenSearch is based upon a fork of Elasticsearch 7.10.2 and OpenDashboards extends upon this to include Kibana version 7.10.2. These versions of Elasticsearch and Kibana are built on fully open source Apache licensing unlike versions of the ELK stack launched after 7.10.2 which are published under a proprietary dual license.

As OpenSearch is based upon a hard fork of Elasticsearch, it is expected that the functionality of the two offerings will diverge over time, fortunately, this means that users of OpenSearch will be able to explore additional features and new improvements with each subsequent version release (in line with the Opensearch Project Roadmap). 

A few of the benefits of using Logit.io hosted Opensearch over typical Elasticsearch include:

  • Cross compatible with Query DSL, OpenSearch SQL and Piped Processing Language (PPL)
  • Advanced RBAC (role-based access controls)
  • Anomaly detection
  • Scheduled reports 
  • Trace analytics
  • Multi-tenancy

In April 2021, Logit.io became one of the first companies to offer a managed service for the Open Distro for Elasticsearch outside of AWS, the project’s original sponsor. Logit.io will continue to offer Open Distro for Elasticsearch but recommend using this distribution only if required for legacy compatibility reasons.

“Logit.io understands and is focussed on making the best open source technologies for Cloud Observability accessible to as many organisations as possible,” said Kieran Southern, CPO at Logit.io.

“We are excited and proud to bring this new open search framework to new and existing users of the Logit.io platform.”

As Logit.io are continuously working to improve the number of hosted solutions offered as part of a singular centralised platform for the complete management of metrics, logs and traces, the company always makes sure to prioritise the steps most essential to offering enterprise scalability and industry-leading customer experience.

New users to Logit.io can get started with a free 14-day today, no credit card required: https://bit.ly/3MYE84F 

Company Biography: Logit.io enables IT leaders at leading companies such as Maersk, YourEDI, Murphy Oil & Nikon to ensure complete observability of their operations and strengthen their security and alerting abilities. 

The Logit.io platform enables users to rapidly centralised logs, metrics and traces at an incredible scale with zero operational overhead, this puts global monitoring and alerting within reach for both enterprise-level organisations and startups alike.

Contact Information:

Eleanor Bennett
Digital Marketing Specialist

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