Ken Steven announces the release of ‘Dream Job Discovery’
“A 2017 Gallup study revealed that 85% of workers worldwide have no passion for the work that they do. The best-case scenario is in North America where 70% of employees cannot passionately engage with their work. This is a problem that’s too big to ignore. These people who feel stuck in jobs they don’t enjoy need hope. They need to know that there is a safe way out of their current paycheck purgatory and into a passion paycheck,” Ken Steven states.
In “Dream Job Discovery: How to Find a Job That Fuels Your Passion and Inspires Your Purpose (Even If You Don’t Know Your Passion or Purpose)” (published by Balboa Press), Steven guides readers through his revolutionary four-step process to not only identify the type of work that they will naturally feel passionate about doing, but also the specific job titles that would provide them with joy, meaning, and fulfillment.
By reading this book, readers will better understand their personal values, a crucial first step if they want joy in their job—these are their DreamJob Truths; use the DJTI assessment to discover their passions even if they have no clue right now what their passions are—this is their DreamJob Type; identify their aptitudes, personality type, behavioral style, and natural talents—these are their DreamJob Traits; master how to leverage their truths, type, and traits to land a job they will love—this is their DreamJob Transition; and find out how to crush any obstacles standing in their way of escaping paycheck purgatory to earn a passion paycheck.
When asked what he wants readers to take away from the book, Steven answers, “Finding their ‘Dream Job’ doesn’t have to be just a dream. This can quite simply become a reality if they follow the revolutionary four-step process in this book. lf readers have never been able to follow their passion into a dream job because they could never figure out what their passion was, taking the DreamJob Type Indicator assessment, which is part of the book experience, can solve this problem in as little as 20 minutes.” For more details about the book, please visit
“Dream Job Discovery: How to Find a Job That Fuels Your Passion and Inspires Your Purpose (Even If You Don’t Know Your Passion or Purpose)”
By Ken Steven
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 228 pages | ISBN 9781982270483
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 228 pages | ISBN 9781982270476
E-Book | 228 pages | ISBN 9781982270490
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Ken Steven is an entrepreneur, consultant, author, speaker, coach, and former marketing and advertising executive for Fortune 500 companies. He envisions a world where everyone eagerly embraces their work, feeling passionate and purpose-driven by what they do. It is not only his passion but his life’s purpose, to help at least one million people get unstuck from jobs they do not enjoy and discover the kind of work that will be a dream for them to do. He spent most of his career working in jobs that he disliked, simply chasing opportunities for bigger paychecks to fund a better lifestyle he ultimately became too miserable to enjoy. He desperately wanted to find a job he could feel deeply passionate about doing. Frustrated that the conventional passion discovery methods were fruitless for him, he spent 16 years researching, developing, and testing a better way. The result was his invention of the DreamJob Type Indicator (DJTI), the only career assessment specifically designed to identify the type of work that will bring enjoyment and fulfillment. To learn more, visit
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