
Dubai Vigilance Group and Regenerated Phyto Bio Technologies sign a historic agreement

Dubai Vigilance Group and Regenerated Phyto Biotechnology signed a Strategic Agreement for Distribution and Collaboration.

Dubai Vigilance Group is now the exclusive Distributor of Regenerated Phyto Biotechnology agricultural products in North, Central, and South America, Caribbean Community Countries, Sudan, and Morocco. DVG will collaborate with the Jordanian company’s scientists on scientifically proven Agricultural Biotechnology products’

Regenerated Phyto Biotechnology is a leading Jordanian-based Agricultural Company using Phyto Effective Microorganisms microbial technologies to improve the growth of plants, animals, and fish using organic bacteria.

Phyto EM consists of naturally-occurring beneficial microorganisms. It is utilized in arable farming, vegetable production fruit farming, fish farming, and viniculture.

Regenerated Phyto Biotechnology products renew soil fertility, assist in fixing atmospheric nitrogen, stimulate plant growth and facilitate absorption of minerals in plants.

Dubai Vigilance Group is a renowned Consultancy Group, that focuses on technologies that support sustainable agriculture, innovative and customized turnkey solutions in E-Procurement, Supply Chain, Risk Management, Disaster Management using the latest and pathbreaking technology, Robotics, and Blockchain technology.

Dubai Vigilance Group and Regenerated Phyto Biotechnology signed the strategic agreement and will collaborate with CARDI (Caribbean Agricultural Research & Development Institute), Central Experimental Farms, and NAREI (National Agricultural Research & Extension Institute) on food sustainability using the scientific technology to increase crop production, better crop protection, increase in nutrition value, fresher produce, longer shelf life, better taste, and pest resistance.

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Review your insurance coverage before severe weather arrives

Jefferson City, Mo – Now is the best time to take action to prepare for Missouri’s severe weather season. The Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance wants consumers to know there are essential steps they can take now to ensure they have peace of mind to weather future storms.

“We want all Missourians to be fully prepared for severe weather,” said Chlora Lindley-Myers, Director of the Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance. “Reviewing your insurance policy before you receive damage from storms or flooding is crucial for recovery. We want people to be prepared and knowledgeable so they aren’t surprised during the claims process following a severe weather event.”

Although consumers may already have a homeowners or renters insurance policy, they should be sure they know exactly what it covers. If consumers don’t own a policy, they should consider meeting with an insurance agent as soon as possible in order to protect themselves from a possible devastating loss.

Steps to Preparing for Severe Weather Season:

  • Homeowners insurance policies should be reviewed each year to ensure coverage is adequate. It’s easy to forget about important household purchases or home improvements. The current level of coverage may not be enough to replace what a consumer owns.
  • Renters should consider purchasing or reviewing their renters insurance to avoid issues.
  • Review your roof coverage. Insurance policies and levels of coverage vary greatly. One common concern in Missouri are roof repairs as a result of storm damage. Some insurance policies may cover full replacement—while other policies may depreciate coverage based on the age of the roof. DCI provides a roof insurance guide to assist consumers in reviewing their policies based on available options.
  • A standard homeowners policy does not cover flood damage. Consumers may want to consider reviewing the National Flood Insurance Program, especially if living  in an area with frequent floodwaters. It’s important to be proactive if considering flood insurance as there is often a 30-day waiting period from the date of purchase for these policies to go into effect.
  • Do a home inventory and document your personal belongings. A simple step that will help assist consumers file a severe weather claim is documenting their personal property. DCI’s home inventory checklist guide makes it easy to record these household items.
  • Contact DCI with problems or complaints. DCI licenses agents and insurers, so we can help resolve many disputes consumers may experience with their claims. Consumers may call DCI’s Insurance Consumer Hotline at 800-726-7390 or they may file a complaint online.

The Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance provides more severe weather resources and tips for consumers on their website. 

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Cyferd entered the software market today with its holistic, multi-experience digital transformation platform. They’re engineering one platform that enables any enterprise to regain control with full access to all data: in one place.

One platform allows – fast innovation with a common, no-code development experience, using one central data layer for a variety of enterprise solutions.  

Cyferd is backed by a team of professionals from the NHS, government and finance industries

“As a senior manager with over a decade of experience in the NHS, I struggled with enterprise healthcare systems too large to change and the need to develop and maintain lots of bespoke apps.  With Cyferd’s platform, we could’ve stood-up for everything we needed quickly and without the need for a team of developers.  I wish I had a time machine…” ~ Matt Heys

The next generation of digital transformation consists of:

  • Guided problem solving – allowing organizations to focus on the problem and letting the platform make intuitive decisions.
  • No-code/low-code development – maximizing flexibility to build on one common data layer. 
  • Intelligent navigation –offering users intuitive and intelligently evolving next steps. 
  • Seamless user experience –a familiar and responsive user interface on any device, which seamlessly links into any enterprise.

Find out more on their website at www.cyferd.com and keep up to date with the future of digital transformation by following them on social media @cyferdofficial

“We are pioneering the first multi-experience, holistic digital transformation platform. With better digital foundations, your entire enterprise is free to adapt quickly to rapidly changing business needs.” – Ranjit Bahia, CEO at Cyferd.

Editor’s Notes 

Cyferdis a UK tech start-up with a multi-sector, global reach. Established by professionals with backgrounds in tech, NHS, government and finance, Cyferd is developing a solution to a common real-world problem. 

One platform. One Data layer. Any Solution. 

Social media: @cyferdofficial
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cyferdofficial

Media Contact
Company Name: Cyferd Ltd
Contact Person: Anne-Louise Bee
Country: United Kingdom
Website: https://cyferd.com/

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Blue Oak Empire: Offering Backbone Service for E-commerce

Being founded at a time of an economic crisis, Blue Oak Empire is bringing individuals to success through the pandemic

Blue Oak Empire doing over 26 million dollars gross a year helping clients run e-commerce accounts is a highly successful firm. They take in clients who are new to e-commerce and help them become successful on the world’s biggest online ecommerce platforms. They help clients generate a consistent income month after month. Blue Oak does most of the work for the clients. They research and find products with high sales volume and low competition and list them on behalf of the clients. They then handle every step in between from order processing to customer support. They handle everything to ensure they build highly successful stores for their clients. Their clients enjoy a hands off business. 

A lot of the small businesses and local vendors have turned to e-commerce because of the pandemic. A sudden shift in the economy led many businesses to bankruptcy. Establishing an enterprise online is more tedious than it seems. Blue Oak Empire provides a specially dedicated team to help newcomers enter the marketplace with ease. For the entrepreneurs that had to force their way onto e-commerce platforms to adapt to the new ways during  the pandemic, firms like Blue Oak Empire are the lifesavers. In fact, Blue Oak Empire has already had first-hand experience in handling a recession. 

In the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, the company’s founders were beginners in e-commerce amidst the failure of banks that economists predicted, Blue Oak Empire grew as an e-commerce empire by working hard to provide world-class service helping companies and businesses rebuild themselves online. 

Blue Oak Empire, which is headquartered in one of the world’s financial hubs, Hong Kong has the goal to help entrepreneurs harness the power of technology. Being one of the very few such companies, Blue Oak Empire has become the largest producer among them. They are highly professional, with all the work done under client confidentiality and 100% transparency in trade details and outcomes. They have been in this arena cumulatively for over 11 years, hence are seniors in business delivery. The 40 highly skilled and trained team members work tirelessly to help achieve the set target, balancing through the fluctuating market reality. 

Unlike most companies, their most effective method for client acquisition? Word of mouth. They build a client a successful store and get referrals, through trust. Blue Oak Empire promises to grow together with it’s clients. With a minimalistic website and an application form that anyone can request a conversation with an expert consultant, Blue Oak Empire is globally accessible for anyone to enquire and work together. 

Media Details
Company: Blue Oak Empire
Email: contact@blueoakempire.com 
Website: http://www.blueoakempire.com/ 

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