
Hopeful Mindsets Launches Globally to Improve Mental Health on College Campuses

Hopelessness plagues college students as schools return to session, the Science of Hope is needed now more than ever

Hopeful Mindsets™, a new course and proactive initiative designed to teach the “how-to” of hope, comes to college campuses as a way to address the emotional and psychological stressors that college students are facing today. Hopelessness is growing at unprecedented rates among youth and adults around the world and is a leading cause of suicide and primary symptom of depression. The JED Foundation found that 63% of students surveyed reported worsened mental health since before the pandemic. To provide support to college students, renowned mental health and wellness experts from top academic institutions and organizations around the world collaborated with The International Foundation of Research and Education (iFred) to help develop the Hopeful Mindsets course.

Hopeful Mindsets for the College Campus teaches students and educators how to proactively manage stress, channel emotions in a positive way, take inspired actions through goal setting, create strong and nourishing networks, eliminate challenges, and effectively create personal change for the better. The ten-lesson course teaches the science of happiness, mental wellness, connection, and hope. It is available to academic institutions to purchase for their entire campus and is also available to individuals for an $11 donation to iFred, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to ensuring all know how to get from hopelessness to hope. Individuals can also receive scholarships for the course. The program rolls out to students at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) this Fall, is being studied by researchers at Arizona State University’s (ASU) Center for the Advanced Study and Practice of Hope, and is available globally at

Dr Crystal I. Bryce, PhD, Assistant Clinical Professor in The Sanford School and Associate Director of Research for the Center for the Advanced Study and Practice of Hope at ASU is overseeing the research being conducted.

“Our previous research has shown the importance of hope for college students’ retention,” said Dr Bryce. “Our research published in Learning and Individual Differences found that first-year, first-semester students who enter college with high hope are more likely to enrol in their second year of college.”

Hope impacts not just student mental health, but also student retention rates, which impacts a university’s bottom line.

“Hopelessness, that feeling of despair and sense of helplessness, is a normal part of life and something all of us experience. Yet we are never given a roadmap for how to get from hopelessness to hope,” says Kathryn Goetzke, Founder of iFred and Creator of Hopeful Mindsets. “It astounds me, as hopelessness is predictive of things like weapon carrying on school property, addiction, suicide, self-harm, violence, and early death, as well as a key symptom of anxiety and depression. How do we expect to solve any of these major challenges without teaching the ‘how-to’ of hope? That is what we initially set out to do with Hopeful Minds, a free global program for the K-6 population, and now with our new program Hopeful Mindsets for the College Campus.”

Dr Paul Mitchell, PhD, Professor of Journalism at UNR and Coordinator of Recruitment and Retention at the University of Nevada, Reno, was instrumental in bringing Hopeful Mindsets to the university’s campus.

“We need to ensure students have support, resources, and tools to maintain mental wellbeing, not just now, but always,” said Dr. Mitchell. “Teaching students hopefulness can help offset some of the struggles they are facing as a result of the pandemic, but also the pressures of college life they endure. Hopeful Mindsets is a great addition to core courses to help students learn to lead more positive lives.”

Hopeful Mindsets introduces the Five Keys of Hope, including Stress Skills, Happiness Habits, Inspired Actions, Nourishing Networks, and Eliminating Challenges. The course includes video and text lessons that combine interviews from world-renowned experts and real-life practical strategies and stories from recent college graduates that have overcome things like homelessness, mental health diagnoses, death, violence, and more. There is a guided coursebook to reinforce skills, lesson quizzes to track progress, and a hope community for support. There are tools available to help each campus launch the program, including a CANVAS page outline, syllabus, coursebook, templated marketing materials, social media campaigns, a suggested college resource map, and more.

“Hope is teachable, it’s learnable. I think we’ve learned that hope is something that people can embrace, that there are strategies for learning about hope, and for modifying how one approaches life to create a more hopeful mindset,” said Dr Myron Belfer, MD, MPA, Professor of Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry, Children’s Hospital Boston.

Hopeful Mindsets includes video lessons with compiled interviews and insights from more than 25 of the world’s leading experts in mental health, compassion, mindfulness, hope, happiness, and more. Hopeful Mindsets experts and collaborators include:

  • Myron Belfer, MD, MPA, Professor of Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry, Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School
  • James Doty, MD, Director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University School of Medicine
  • Vikram Patel, PhD, co-founder of the Movement for Global Mental Health, the Centre for Global Mental Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the Mental Health Innovations Network, and Sangath, an Indian NGO which won the WHO Public Health Champion of India prize
  • Thomas Lennon, Actor, Screenwriter, and Author
  • Paul Mitchell, PhD, Coordinator of Recruitment and Retention at the University of Reno
  • Chan Hellman, PhD, internationally renowned researcher for his work on building a hope centered response to trauma, and creator of the evidence-based framework Hope Centered and Trauma Informed
  • Rachel S. Hertz, PhD of Brown University and Boston College, and world-renowned expert on the psychological science of smell
  • Dan Tomasulo, PhD, TEP, MFA, MAPP, Academic Director at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute (SMBI) and author of Learned Hopefulness
  • Robert Waldinger, MD, Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the longest-running studies of adult life ever completed
  • Jennifer S. Cheavens, PhD, Professor of Psychology at Ohio State University
  • Crystal I. Bryce, PhD, Director of Research for the Hope Center, Arizona State University
  • Erwin Benedict Valencia, DPT of the New York Knicks
  • MJ Gottlieb, CEO of Loosid App
  • Erin Michaela Brandt, MS with Appreciating Men
  • Kelly Davis, Associate Vice President of Peer and Youth Advocacy, Mental Health America
  • Martin Rafferty Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Youth Era
  • Diane Dreher, PhD, Professor Emerita, Santa Clara University and lecturer in the Positive Psychology Guild in the United Kingdom
  • Lian Zeitz, Advisory Board Member, Global Mental Health Action Network
  • Ritu Riyat, MPH, MCHES, Owner of Nutritionize!, Creator of The 21 Day STRESS Detox Program
  • David B. Feldman, PhD, Professor of Counseling at Santa Clara University
  • Abigail Johnson, MPH, Founder of Live Without Apologies
  • Sarah Fader, Founder of Stigma Fighters
  • Steven Hayes, PhD, Nevada Foundation Professor in the Behavior Analysis program at the Department of Psychology at the University of Nevada, author of 46 books and 650 scientific articles

The Hopeful Mindsets for College Campuses initiative is based on Hopeful Minds, a free global program for K-6 aimed at teaching hope as a skill to youth around the world, with a Parent’s Guide on how to instil hopeful language and practices at home. Hopeful Minds was featured in the BBC documentary, “Teens on the Edge”, featured as an innovation at the World Bank, and presented at IACAPAP, Harvard, United Nations, British Psychological Society, One Mind, The Kennedy Forum, and more.

The Hopeful Mindsets for the College Campus was developed by Innovative Analysis, LLC, with funding from the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), and is licensed to The International Foundation of Research and Education (iFred) to improve access to hope globally, and fund research. Organizations and individuals can sponsor students and universities by contacting iFred directly. Discounts are also available for universities interested in implementing Hopeful Mindsets for the College Campus at their institution.

More information can be requested at

About iFred

iFred, a 501(c)3 organization, is working to teach hope. iFred has worked to shine a positive light on mental health and eliminate stigma through prevention, research and education and created a shift in society’s negative perception of the disease through positive imagery, rebranding, celebrity engagement, cause marketing campaigns, and establishing the sunflower and colour yellow as the international symbols for hope. iFred worked with The Mood Factory to do the first nationwide cause marketing campaign for mental health in the US, and created the first-ever program to teach hope, based on research hope is a teachable skill.

About Innovative Analysis, LLC

Innovative Analysis, LLC, is a strategic consulting firm aimed at getting new products, services, and programs to market. It is led by Kathryn Goetzke, MBA, who taps into her global network to create strong teams to solve complex challenges. Kathryn is the Founder of iFred, launched Hopeful Cities, Hopeful Minds, Hopeful Mindsets, wrote The Biggest Little Book About Hope, hosts The Hope Matrix Podcast, and launched the first nationwide cause marketing campaign for mental health through her company, The Mood Factory. She has over 25 years of marketing experience for top companies and brands and is passionate about supporting causes and companies making a positive impact on the world.

About University of Nevada, Reno

The University of Nevada, Reno, is a public research university that is committed to the promise of a future powered by knowledge. Nevada’s land-grant university was founded in 1874, the University serves 21,000 students. The University is a comprehensive, doctoral university, classified as an R1 institution with very high research activity by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. Additionally, it has attained the prestigious “Carnegie Engaged” classification, reflecting its student and institutional impact on civic engagement and service, fostered by extensive community and statewide collaborations. More than $800 million in advanced labs, residence halls and facilities has been invested on campus since 2009. It is home to the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine and Wolf Pack Athletics, maintains a statewide outreach mission and presence through programs such as the University of Nevada, Reno Extension, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Small Business Development Center, Nevada Seismological Laboratory, and is part of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Through a commitment to world-improving research, student success and outreach benefiting the communities and businesses of Nevada, the University has an impact across the state and around the world. For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Shay Pantano
Pantano Media & Marketing


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Jessica From Healthy Fit Fab Moms Celebrates 100K

Jessica Boscarini is known as the founder of Healthy Fit Fab Moms to more than 100,000 fans on Instagram. This popular Content Creator is a Holistic Nutritionist, Fitness Instructor, and Mom of 5 renowned for her family-friendly health and fitness tips.

Jessica has made it her mission to help moms and moms-to-be on their health, nutrition, and fitness journeys. She believes that being healthy is a lifestyle and feels the best way to teach your children how to be healthy is to be their #1 example.

Jessica also helps with pregnancy preparation, planning, and breastfeeding advice. Her followers appreciate how openly she shares her struggles with fertility, miscarriages, and stillbirth!

Jessica’s struggles have led to her support for nonprofits such as Every Mother Counts and Family Compass. She is also very excited about her new collaboration with Black and Decker!

HealthyFitFabMoms is now accepting brand collaborations for the fall. Email her at:

Rose Campbell
Corralling The Campbells
+1 832-244-7675

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How LIFEGUARD Is Aiding With COVID Safety

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown which companies are willing to step up to the plate and provide assistance. LIFEGUARD, a business founded by Steven Odzer, is one of those companies.

LIFEGUARD is a leading manufacturer and distributor of sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizers, and a long list of additional PPE supplies. Before the pandemic, LIFEGUARD’s essential safety and sanitation products were only available in limited parts of the country. These operations have been expanded during this time of need to reach businesses around the country.

“As a company, we have always been committed to protecting communities and families,” Steven Odzer said. “This pandemic has proven to be one of the most trying times in recent history for this country, so we stepped up to do what we do best, protect homes with top-quality sanitation supplies, medical masks, disposable gloves, and more.”

LIFEGUARD provides a range of PPE supplies, which are designed to provide safe, clean, and virus-free homes, workplaces, venues, and more. Products created by this company have continuously been proven to stand apart from the rest. LIFEGUARD is known for providing the highest-quality disinfectant products and virus protection monitoring and testing. The company prides itself on being a one-stop-shop for restaurant, paper, and janitorial supplies.

“Our goal during this pandemic was to ensure every business received the sanitation supplies they needed to stay afloat,” Steven Odzer said. “We upped our production, broadened our distribution, and worked tirelessly to help everyone fight this virus.”

The company created multiple saving options and sponsorship offers to allow businesses to sanitize affordably. The pandemic has been detrimental to many businesses, including retail shops and restaurants, so LIFEGUARD set out to make these products as affordable as possible for everyone in need. From commercial businesses to individual households, LIFEGUARD has developed a positive reputation for top-quality products and unwavering reliability.

The most common safety items sold by LIFEGUARD right now are hand sanitizer, antibacterial disinfectant wipes, face shields, protective masks, and disposable gloves. LIFEGUARD hand sanitizing products have been proven to kill more than 99.9 percent of bacteria in germs in 15 seconds or less. This product also has a shelf life of more than two years, which means you can purchase in bulk at an even more affordable price to keep your business or home stocked.

All of these products are available in varying quantities, from small batches to major bulk. During this pandemic, LIFEGUARD has set out to ensure that even small quantity purchases are available at extremely low prices.

“Even in the heart of the pandemic, when demand was at the highest levels we’ve ever seen, not a single product’s quality was sacrificed,” Steven Odzer said. “Our protective masks are all hypoallergenic, our gloves are 100-percent powder and latex-free, and our wipes are made with aloe extract and plant-based alcohol. We were not just able to supply products during a time of extreme need; we were able to supply the highest-quality products in the industry.”

These levels of quality have been developed over three decades. The company holds long and powerful partnerships that have made it possible to manufacture and deliver these products across the country at unbelievably fast rates. While other companies were struggling to fill orders, LIFEGUARD was sending out products faster than ever before. LIFEGUARD was able to optimize distribution strategies and expand operations during this unprecedented time of need.

“Access to PPE supplies was a major problem throughout 2020 and the beginning of 2021,” Steven Odzer said. “Entire hospitals were out of safety supplies, like face masks and gloves. This major global increase in demand completely stripped supplies, so we had no choice but to manufacture more products and get them out to the public as quickly as possible.”

Even now, in mid-2021, PPE supplies remain in extremely high demand. Cases of the virus appear to be dropping across the United States and some states have drastically lowered requirements surrounding masks and social distance. However, LIFEGUARD is prepared to continue manufacturing and supplying these products to ensure everyone has them to combat this virus and others.

“We’ve seen a major increase in sanitation awareness among individuals and businesses. We’ve now seen how quickly a virus can spread and how harmful it can be to businesses, communities, and all society,” Steven Odzer said. “We expect sanitation products to remain popular for quite some time, and we’re ready to step up to the challenge.”

The company will remain prepared to take on any challenges regarding a rise in COVID-19 cases and any other health concerns that may become across the country or around the world.

“Our operations have been optimized, and we’re more prepared than ever to help, whatever the future may bring,” Odzer finished. “We feel honored and grateful that we were able to step up during this unprecedented time, and we’re glad individuals, families, and businesses are beginning to experience some relief.”

Steven Odzer concluded by reiterating the importance of assisting others whenever possible. As a long-time philanthropist, he views this pandemic as another time he was called to be of service, and he would like to thank all the others who helped his businesses make the changes needed to get these products out to the public as quickly as possible.

You can find out more about LIFEGUARD and the company’s top-quality sanitation products on


Steven Odzer
(702) 678-4667


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Back to School Nutrition – Tips from a Dietitian

The Houstonian Club’s registered dietitian shares ideas on fueling your child with nutritious food while making it easy, worry-free, and healthy.

A fun and safe school day starts with adequate nutrition, and it is that time of year when parents are combing the internet for the easiest way to make that happen for their children. Although it might be easier to have your child eat lunch at school, packing a meal puts you entirely in control of what your child is eating and is an opportunity to create lifelong healthy habits. According to the Journal of Nutrition and Education, establishing healthy eating habits in the early years impacts a person’s food choices later in life.

“As a parent, your child’s nutrition lies in your hands. It is vitally important that children are given the proper nutritional tools to succeed in their day at school,” says Denise Hernandez, M.S., R.D., L.D. of The Houstonian Club. “Your child may appreciate the cookies and chips you put into their lunch, but it is the fruit, veggies, and protein that are going to give them fuel to learn each day.”

Hernandez shares five easy tips to make eating healthy for school easy and fun.

BREAKFAST. The most important meal of the day, indeed. While 90% of us know this, only 49% consistently eat breakfast. If your child lacks an appetite so early in the morning, be sure to give them a nutrient-packed breakfast. A slice of whole-grain toast with 2 tbsp of almond butter is an excellent example of an easy but satiating breakfast.

COLLABORATE. Preparing your child’s lunch can be frustrating if they do not like your choices. Have them participate in putting their lunches together, even shopping for their healthy choices at the grocery store. Being involved in the process increases the likelihood of them eating their meals and gives them a sense of accomplishment.

PLAN AHEAD. If making your child’s lunch is challenging on some days, help them pick the healthiest option from their school’s lunch menu. If a menu is not sent home with your child, you can usually download a copy from the school district’s website.

[FOOD] SAFETY FIRST. Be sure to use an insulated lunch bag to pack your child’s lunch. If they can refrigerate their lunch at school, remind them to open the bag since insulation works both ways.

AFTER SCHOOL. If your child is involved in after-school activities, don’t forget to pack a snack to hold them over until dinner. Most parents forget this snack, giving a child no choice but to buy snacks from the vending machine.


Gabi De la Rosa
The Houstonian Hotel Club & Spa
+1 832-202-9600

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Saudi Arabia-Based General Surgeon Releases Go-To Medical Textbook for Medical Students and Surgeons Alike

Dr. Mohammed Othman Almaimani has compiled his years of research and experience in the general surgery field to publish ‘Essential Notes in General Surgery’

Dr. Mohammed Othman Almaimani has been a board-certified general surgeon since 2011 and is currently a pediatric surgery fellow. He has recently released his debut book, “Essential Notes in General Surgery.” This simplified medical textbook covers topics in general surgery designed to be sufficiently used by medical students, general surgery residents and senior general surgeons.

The book includes basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology as well as history, physical examination, investigation, detailed management, operative intervention and follow-up of the diseases discussed throughout. This educational text is divided into three main sections. The first covers basic surgical principles including fluids, hemostasis, shock, surgical infection, trauma, wound healing and critical care. The second section is followed by general surgery addressing upper GIT, colorectal, hepatobiliary and endocrine surgery. Lastly, the book discusses subspecialties in general surgery including pediatric, vascular, bariatric and thoracic surgery. “Essential Notes in General Surgery” is precise, digested, updated and provides the essential knowledge that will help medical students pass the board exams.

“It is my hope that this book will educate and help medical students, residents and surgeons studying and practising in the general surgery speciality,” said Dr. Almaimani. “By providing a concise summary of the knowledge needed for general surgery, medical professionals will save time and energy in their research.”

Ultimately, “Essential Notes in General Surgery” summarizes Dr. Almaimani’s years of work studying and practising in the medical field. Dr. Almaimani pulls together the key information medical professionals need to know in the general surgery department making this medical text the go-to resource for those looking to excel in this field.

“Essential Notes in General Surgery”
By Mohammed Othman Almaimani
ISBN: 9781698703558 (softcover); 9781698703565 (hardcover); 9781698703541 (electronic)
Available at AmazonBarnes & Noble and Trafford Publishing

About the author
Dr. Mohammed Othman Almaimani, M.D. is a general surgeon and pediatric surgery fellow. Dr. Almaimani was born in Beverley, England and grew up in Saudi Arabia. He completed his undergraduate studies at the October 6 University in Cairo and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in medicine and a bachelor’s degree in surgery in 2011. Dr. Almaimani has been a Saudi board-certified general surgeon since 2018. Currently, he is enrolled in a pediatric surgery fellowship at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Jeddah.

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LAVIDGE – Phoenix                        
Meghan Bowman

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Health Care Administrators Association (HCAA) Surpasses Charitable Donation Goal

The Health Care Administrators Association (HCAA), a leader in education, networking, resources and advocacy for the self-funding industry, today announced that during its annual TPA Summit, the organization surpassed its charitable donation goal by raising a total of $18,670 for Folds of Honor, a charity that provides educational scholarships for the dependents of fallen and disabled U.S. military heroes.

‘While our mission is to provide education and networking opportunities to the self-funded industry, we believe strongly in giving back to the community. The COVID-19 pandemic brought many financial uncertainties for individuals across our nation, especially for organizations who operate on donations,’ said HCAA Chief Executive Officer Carol Berry, CSFS ‘Despite these trying times, we are proud to announce that we raised nearly $30,000 this year for two amazing organizations, The Battle Continues and Folds of Honor. We are beyond thankful to our members, who not only continue to make our annual events a success, but who make these donations possible year after year.’

‘Our partnership with HCAA has been a huge blessing for Folds of Honor and, most importantly, the direct recipients of our scholarships,’ said Folds of Honor Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Dan Rooney. ‘This gracious donation will provide scholarships for four people – that’s four lives, indelibly changed for the better. We are beyond thankful to HCAA and its members and look forward to the future of this partnership.’

HCAA hosts a charity fundraiser during both its annual Executive Forum and TPA Summit events each year. To learn more about HCAA’s charitable connections, visit

About HCAA

The HCAA is the premier nonprofit trade association elevating third-party administrators (TPAs) and other stakeholders from across the self-funding industry. Throughout our 40-year history, we’ve remained committed to improving the quality, sustainability, and value of this essential sector on behalf of our members, while forging a path for tomorrow’s health care benefit administrators.

Visit or connect with us at @HCAAinfoHCAA LinkedIn or HCAA YouTube for more information.

Press contact:

Lacy Herman
Anderson Interactive on behalf of HCAA

SOURCE: Health Care Administrators Association (HCAA)

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Reproductive Care Center Welcomes Reproductive Endocrinologist Kristi Maas, MD to Utah Fertility Team

The addition of Dr. Maas is the latest strategic move for Reproductive Care Center, who last week announced its new partnership with the Boston IVF fertility network.

Reproductive Care Center (RCC), a leading provider of fertility and family building services in Utah and Idaho, announced today that reproductive endocrinologist Kristi Maas, MD has joined its team of fertility experts as a partner. The addition of Dr. Maas is the latest high-profile, strategic move for RCC, who last week announced its partnership with Boston IVF’s national fertility network – an industry-leading fertility treatment and research program which operates over 30 fertility centers across the United States.

Double board-certified in Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility and Obstetrics/Gynecology, Dr. Maas joins RCC from a leading Southern California provider, where she played a significant role in advancing its IVF, research, and LGBTQIA+ family building programs.

She brings to RCC a full range of expertise in reproductive technologies and treatments including IUI, IVF, egg freezing, oncofertility, and more for all patient populations – with a special interest in LGBTQIA+ family building, single parenting options, and PCOS.

“Adding a reproductive endocrinologist of Dr. Maas’ ability to the Reproductive Care Center team is an exciting moment for our practice, patients, and region,” said Keith Blauer, MD – Medical Director of RCC. “Her commitment to delivering superior patient care and conducting groundbreaking research fits perfectly with RCC’s vision and culture, which is dedicated to making a fundamental difference in the lives of our patients.”

Dr. Maas’ arrival at RCC also serves as a long-awaited clinical reunion. In 2013, she graduated from the prestigious Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School/Boston IVF Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) Fellowship Program – which trains the country’s top-tier of fertility specialists.

Additionally, while at the University of Utah, she earned an Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering, a Masters of Engineering degree in Biomedical Engineering, and a Doctor of Medicine degree from the university’s school of medicine.

“I am strongly committed to advocating and expanding access for all patient populations and those in underserved geographic locations to receive the very best care possible,” said Dr. Kristi Maas. “The partnering of Reproductive Care Center and Boston IVF is a unique and exceptional event. It marries a locally respected practice that is known for providing high-quality, personalized care with a nationally recognized, premier infertility treatment and research institution. Patients will undoubtedly benefit from this partnership and I am thrilled to reunite with my mentors and colleagues at Boston IVF.”

“Having closely worked alongside Dr. Maas in her role as an REI Fellow, I can state unequivocally that Reproductive Care Center and the surrounding Salt Lake City communities have gained one of the brightest minds in reproductive medicine,” said Alan S. Penzias, MD – Boston IVF reproductive endocrinologist, BIDMC/HMS/BIVF Fellowship Director and Board Member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). “Dr. Maas is a nationally respected and exceptionally skilled clinician, passionate researcher, a fierce advocate for all people who wish to build a family, and the quintessential physician to help lead RCC as it continues to deliver the highest-level of reproductive care in Utah.”

A Wyoming native, Dr. Maas is an active member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, the Society for Reproductive Surgeons, and the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART).

Boston IVF is one of the largest and most experienced fertility networks in the United States, with more than 100,000 babies born since 1986. Founded as one of the nation’s first private practice IVF centers, the Boston IVF network has grown to include over 30 reproductive endocrinologists across 30 centers throughout Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Idaho, Indiana, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Utah. A renowned innovator of reproductive technologies, advanced protocols, and cutting-edge research, Boston IVF has achieved numerous “firsts” in the field of reproductive care. Its scientific and research arm continues to pave the way for breakthroughs in fertility care and its accredited REI Fellowship Program has graduated numerous reproductive endocrinologists as part of its mission to train the next generation of fertility experts. In 2019, this leading provider of fertility services in the United States was acquired by Eugin, one of the largest IVF networks in the world, with centers throughout Europe and South America. For more information, please visit

Reproductive Care Center, the first private practice fertility clinic in Utah, has helped individuals and couples to build their families for over 25 years. Utilizing the most innovative and medical protocols, RCC offers a full array of services including IUI, IVF, egg freezing, donor egg IVF, genetic testing, male infertility, LGBTQIA+ family building, and more. Utilizing a myriad of proven reproductive technologies, RCC is able to identify unique trends that often lead to a swifter, more accurate diagnosis for the rarest of infertility cases. For more information, please visit

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Reproductive Care Center
+1 (508) 322-8725

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Why Do We Spend So Much Money on Health Care?

The American health care system, is showing signs of falling behind other industrialized nations, both in cost and health outcomes. What can we do about it?

As Covid vaccination programs across the country push forward to inoculate ever higher numbers of the American public, now is a good time to reflect on the current state of our health care system and consider what we could do to make it more effective and efficient.

That’s what makes a new academic work, Health Insurance Systems: An International Comparison, researched and written by Thomas Rice, a distinguished professor of health policy and management at UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health, such a timely and important resource.

Rice has conducted a thorough investigation of the costs and health outcomes of ten nations, including the United States, making it easier to make direct comparisons between countries and to identify the best practices in public health policy and finance.

Having Survived Three Supreme Court Challenges, The Affordable Care Act Is Now More Popular Than Ever
We’ll look in detail at Rice’s findings shortly. But it’s also worth mentioning at this point that the current US health care system we have today appears to be with us in its current form at least through the remainder of the current Biden administration.

That’s thanks to a recent Supreme Court decision not to invalidate the Affordable Care Act (or ACA, for short and often colloquially known as ‘Obamacare’), making this the third and likely final attempt in recent years to overthrow the law in court for the foreseeable future.

Pollsters have found that the ACA has also become more popular over time, with an increasing percentage of Americans approving the law, including the Medicaid expansion portion. Public opinion values a couple of key provisions of the law, including keeping young adults up to the age of 26 on their parent’s insurance plans, the exclusion of discrimination based on pre-existing conditions, and the elimination of time or financial limits on treatment coverage.

But the new law has many of us asking, does it make health care insurance truly affordable? The premiums, even with Federal subsidies, are not cheap. And coverage is not available for impoverished residents of states that elected not to extend Medicaid coverage to their low-income populations.

On the other hand, the ACA did expand health care coverage for tens of millions who previously had no health care insurance, and its importance has grown as millions more were laid off during the height of the Covid pandemic lockdown.

The Biden administration has helped the situation by re-opening the health care exchanges at the beginning of this year, and also by raising the individual premium support payments made by the Federal government.

Democrats in Congress are also looking at ways to expand Medicaid coverage to poor residents in states that did not elect to accept Medicaid expansion, such as allowing cities, counties, and even individual health systems to participate in Medicaid expansion directly, effectively bypassing the recalcitrant state governments.

There are also efforts underway to provide dental, hearing, and vision coverage the Medicare recipients (e.g. the over 65s) for the first time.

On the other hand, while Biden campaigned on the idea of creating a public option for the ACA health exchanges (in an attempt to drive down insurance costs), this idea remains on the back burner for the moment.

But Is The ACA Enough? We Still Pay Far More For Health Care Than Other Industrialized Countries

Increased subsidies and improved coverage plans might help stem the tide of seniors traveling over the border for discount root canals in Mexican dental offices or riding busses into Canada to buy cheaper prescription drugs – both of which were common practices prior to the pandemic.

But is it enough?

The concern that we are spending too much on health care, as individuals and as a government, is based in fact, according to Rice’s research. He writes that US per capita health care spending is nearly double that of the nine other leading industrial countries he studied, e.g. the UK, Canada, Sweden, Australia, France, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

Rice also points out the US annual spend on health care consumes 60% more of our GDP when compared to these other countries.

Expressed another way, Rice estimates the US spent $3.5 trillion on health care in 2017, which represents 45% percent of the total world spending on health care, an amazing feat considering the US population is only 4% of the world’s total!

These increased costs here at home are born out in the higher prices paid for drugs and medical procedures.

For example, the delivery of a baby costs on average $11,167 in the US, while the same delivery in the Netherlands only costs $3,638. Similarly, a dose of the breast cancer drug Herceptin costs $211 in the US but only $48 in Germany.

It’s no wonder that Rice found that 1/3 of Americans reported they faced cost barriers to getting timely medical care during the previous year.

It’s no wonder that medical debt has long been the leading reason for personal bankruptcy in the USA, and analysists now estimate that $45 billion in unpaid medical bills have been sent to collection.

(To help alleviate this issue, a group of Democratic Senators has proposed the Medical Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2021 to help address the number of bankruptcies expected as a result of the financial hardship caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.)

Are We Getting Better Care For All The Money We Spend? According To Rice, Most Health Care Statistics Say NO…

The next question is whether we are getting better results thanks to our increased spending on health care in this country.

Unfortunately, the answer is a definite NO, according to Rice.

Several key metrics tell the discouraging story of worse health care outcomes in the US:

The first is a comparison of mortality from preventable causes, e.g. cases where timely medical care should have been able to help prevent death.

On this basis, the US is in last place among the ten countries studied – we had 175 mortalities per 100,000 population – a figure that’s twice as bad as Switzerland.

The same story is true for mortalities from treatable diseases; here, the US suffered 88 mortalities per 100,000 patients, while Canada had far fewer, only 59 per 100,000 patients.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization reports that the US has fallen significantly in projected life expectancy; by 2030, Americans can expect to live to 83.32 years (female) and 75.51 years (male), but that puts us behind Singapore, the UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Japan, France, and the new leader, South Korea, which is projected to have a life expectancy of 90.82 years for women and 84.07 years for men by 2030.

Given Our High Health Care Spending, Do We At Least Have Better Access To Primary Care Doctors?

According to Rice, having ready access to a primary care doctor is another major issue in the American health care system – despite our higher spending.

Despite the ACA helping tens of millions of Americans get health care insurance, there is still a substantial gap in coverage – a 2019 study estimates that 9.2% of Americans still don’t have access to health care insurance coverage, which represents just under 30 million people.

Equal access is also an issue, something that many individuals who moved to rural locations to work from home (WFH) during the Covid pandemic have found out – many rural areas are virtual health care deserts due to the many small, private hospitals that have closed over the past decade.

Urban areas also have major disparities, with fewer doctors serving underprivileged areas, according to Rice.

Contributing to an overall shortage of primary care doctors is the fact that so many US practitioners elect to become specialists rather than general physicians. Rice estimates that 2/3 of US doctors are specialists – likely due to the higher prestige and incomes associated with specialty practices. This skew toward specialists makes the US a distinct outlier from the other nine countries Rice studied, where the percentage of general primary care doctors is consistently 50% or higher.

So Why Is The Cost Of Health Care So High In The USA, And How Can We Get Better Outcomes And More Value For Our Money?

How to fix our health care system is the multi-trillion-dollar question.

It’s not only a complicated, patchwork system – one that many aptly describe as the ultimate Gordian knot – it’s also a problem that’s fraught with political discord.

Read more…

Julia Solodovnikova
+1 800-251-1505
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FFF Enterprises Celebrates 33 Years of Helping Healthcare Care®

FFF Enterprises Inc., an industry leader in counterfeit-free speciality drug distribution, honours 33 years of providing healthcare professionals with safe, reliable critical and preventive care medications, including plasma products, essential medications, and vaccines.

“Since our company’s inception, caring for the needs of our healthcare partners and patients has been our top priority, but even more so during these past 17 months,” said Patrick M. Schmidt, chief executive officer of FFF Enterprises Inc. “I am very proud that every teammate at FFF demonstrated their dedication to provide our front-line workers with not only the safest medications on the market but also equipped them with exciting new technologies to help them securely manage these therapies.”

As part of its mission of Helping Healthcare Care®, the company has made advancements in technology and risk management over the past year, including HITRUST CSF Certification, the implementation of a cutting-edge Google Cloud-based ERP system, and the exciting addition of its RightNow Inventory Product Management Solutions. FFF Enterprises’ business models and innovations continue to evolve to ensure the safety and efficacy of the biopharmaceutical’s marketplace.

About FFF Enterprises, Inc.

FFF Enterprises, Inc., founded in 1988, continues to take a leadership position in supply chain safety and innovation, setting new standards and pioneering industry firsts. With more than 33 years of experience in product allocation management, FFF Enterprises is dedicated to meeting the needs of our most precious patients. Everything we do affirms our dedication to sustaining a reliable, secure pharmaceutical supply chain in the pursuit of our mission of Helping Healthcare Care®. FFF Enterprises has been presented with the “Supplier Legacy Award” by Premier, the “Specialty Distributor of the Year Award” by Vizient, and the notable success of over 12,000 counterfeit-free days (and counting) of safe, reliable product distribution.

Please visit FFF Enterprises’ news site, as well as LinkedInInstagramFacebook and YouTube for more information about the company.

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Disabilities Special Needs Dentist Duncanville Forth Worth TX Updates Services

Disability Dental is now providing an updated range of special needs dentistry services to patients of all ages in Duncanville, Fort Worth TX, and the surrounding area.

Disability Dental announced an updated range of dentistry services for special needs patients in Duncanville, near Fort Worth TX. The dental practice can help patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Cerebral Palsy, developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, Parkinson’s disease, autism, Down syndrome, and mental retardation.

More information can be found at

They see folks who are unable to be seen in a regular dental office. There are anesthesiologists on staff and specialized wheelchair-accessible dental tools and chairs.

The new announcement is part of the dental center’s commitment to providing high-quality dental services to special needs patients, helping them to maintain optimal oral health.

Many disabilities are associated with an increased risk for various oral health problems. Special needs dentistry is a specialty of dentistry that focuses on providing dental care to patients with special needs or disabilities. To ensure proper diagnosis and treatment, it is very important to choose a dentist who specializes in this type of dentistry and can meet the specific needs of these patients in a comfortable setting.

Dr. Frank E. Ford DDS, BS and the team at Disability Dental believe that everyone deserves to have a strong, healthy, and beautiful smile. That is why they provide dental examination, dental and maintenance to patients with special needs.

The dental experts are highly trained in caring for patients with special needs and have more than 50 years of combined experience in treating their unique dental needs. They customize each patient’s treatment and appointment to meet their comfort level and needs.

Disability Dental can also file the dental insurance on the patient’s behalf. However, patients are advised to be prepared to pay the deductible and the copay.

Dr. Frank earned his Bachelor of Science in Dentistry from Baylor University and received his Doctor of Dental Surgery from University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston. He has been serving patients in the DFW Metroplex for 25 years.

Dr Ford adds “For 40 years, I’ve had a special place in my heart for taking care of the special needs, disabled or handicapped folks. It’s not every now and again here, it’s full-time, and we only treat special people.”

Interested parties can find more by visiting


Contact Data

Name: Dr Frank Ford
Organization: Disability Dental
Address: 107 N Cedar Ridge Dr #100, Duncanville, TX 75116, United States
Phone: +1-972-296-0101

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