
Maryland Celebrates Men’s Health in June

Communities Across the Globe Honor Men’s Health Month

The state of Maryland, as well as cities Cumberland and College Park, has issued a proclamation celebrating men’s health and fatherhood in June, helping educate men, boys, and their families about disease prevention, timely screenings, healthy lifestyles, and positive family relationships.

The proclamations can be found here.

The importance of this effort was also highlighted by a statement from the White House.

Raising awareness of the need for men and boys to live healthy lifestyles is critical to their wellbeing. The life expectancy for men is five years less than women, and men also have higher rates of death from cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports women are 100% more likely to visit their doctor for annual exams and preventative services than men.

Report cards on the status of male health in each state can be found at the State of Men’s Health website. Proclamations from cities and states be found at

“The City of College Park supports any effort to raise awareness of the importance of men’s health, and the health of all,” said College Park Mayor Patrick Wojahn. “The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the disparities of health outcomes, especially for men of color and people with limited means. We hope that this month will provide an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of adequate health care for all.”

“We applaud officials in their states for helping raise awareness of the health issues facing men and their families by recognizing this year’s men’s health awareness period,” said Ana Fadich, MPH, CHES, Vice President, Men’s Health Network. “Communities around the globe continue to promote the health and well-being of men and boys throughout the month of June. We hope this year’s awareness period will help men and their families be more mindful of their health starting with a doctor’s appointment.”

Across the country, hundreds of health care professionals, private corporations, faith-based organizations, community groups, and other interested organizations help plan activities and events that focus on men’s health during June, and throughout the year. On June 18, MHN encourages participation in using the #ShowUsYourBlue hashtag on social media where participants raised awareness about men’s health issues by Wearing BLUE.

For ideas and free resources in both English and Spanish, visit

Men’s Health Month grew out of National Men’s Health Week, which was enacted by Congress. The legislation was sponsored by Senator Bob Dole and Congressman Bill Richardson and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on May 31, 1994.

Men’s Health Month and Men’s Health Week are organized by Men’s Health Network MHN), an international non-profit organization whose mission is to reach men, boys, and their families where they live, work, play, and pray with health prevention messages and tools, screening programs, educational materials, advocacy opportunities, and patient navigation. Learn more about MHN at and follow them on Twitter @MensHlthNetwork and Facebook at For more information on MHN’s ongoing Dialogue on Men’s Health series, visit

Brandon Ross
Men’s Health Network
+1 202-543-6461 ext. 101

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Maryland State Police Helicopter Hoists Injured Hiker From Sugarloaf Mountain In Frederick County

 Maryland State Police rescued an injured hiker on Saturday who had slipped and fell down the rock face of Sugarloaf Mountain in Frederick County.

Shortly after 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Maryland State Police Helicopter Trooper 3, based at Frederick Maryland Airport, was dispatched to Sugarloaf Mountain in Frederick County. Rescue crews from Frederick County and Montgomery County responded to the scene.

The helicopter crew launched and once on-scene, the crew located an Advanced Technical Rescue Team (ATRT) member who had made contact with the victim and was assessing the injuries. The ATR member advised that due to the surrounding terrain, recommended that the victim be extracted via the screamer suit designed for rapid extrication.

The helicopter crew configured Trooper 3 for an aerial hoist operation and positioned overhead the hoist area. The pilots maneuvered the AW-139 helicopter into a steady hover position 100 feet above the rescue crews due to terrain and obstacles. A Trooper/Rescue Technician with medical equipment was lowered to the scene.

The Trooper/Rescue Technician assumed patient care and stabilization. The Trooper/Rescue Technician then secured the victim into the screamer suit. Once the patient was ready to be hoisted, Trooper 3 repositioned and maneuvered the helicopter into a steady hover position 100 feet above the victim. The Trooper/Rescue Technician and the victim were hoisted up to the helicopter. Once the patient was secured inside the aircraft, Trooper 3 transitioned to its medevac role and transported the patient to Meritus Medical Center in Hagerstown, Maryland for further treatment.

The Maryland State Police Aviation Command has served Maryland citizens since 1970, and operates a fleet of ten helicopters from seven bases throughout Maryland on a 24/7/365 basis. Missions include medevac, law enforcement, search and rescue, homeland security, and disaster assessment. The success of rescues performed by the Aviation Command depends a great deal on the cooperative effort of local fire, rescue, EMS and law enforcement agencies.


Lieutenant Nathan Wheelock – Commander – Helicopter Field Operations – 410-238-5804
Lance Wood – Deputy, Director of Aviation – 410-238-5802

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