social development

OmniAction: Meeting the Urgency for an Agreed Food Metric

OmniAction is a new global organisation dedicated to measuring the social, health and sustainability impacts of the food system. It will create a science-based, verified and independent framework which will be made available as a public good to everyone working – and consuming – across food and agriculture.

“I first proposed a multi-criteria approach to food standards more than a decade ago, and now the technology makes it possible. ”Tweet this

The official launch event will be held via a Zoom video conference at 4pm GMT on January 27th 2022. Those wishing to attend should sign up via this Eventbrite link.

Co-founder Tim Lang, Emeritus Professor at City University, London, says, “Poor nutrition should not be a trade-off for causing less damage to the environment; just as poor labour rights, land tenure, or food safety should not have to be traded off – we need to examine all these impacts.

“I first proposed a multi-criteria approach to food standards more than a decade ago, and now the technology makes it possible.

“It’s time to create a global, harmonised framework for food metrics which can act as a resource for the entire food system.”

OmniAction co-founder Anya Doherty, CEO of Foodsteps, says, “We need a North Star in sustainability benchmarking for food.

“It’s too easy for companies at the moment to game their credentials on food labels, particularly regarding environmental impact. We see it almost every day.

“We need a framework agreeing which impacts will be accounted for, and then we need to provide guidance to monitor those impacts.”

OmniAction co-founder and executive director Lise Colyer also leads editorial at Quota.Media. She adds, “One third of all greenhouse gas emissions are from agrifood; experts describe the supply chain as plagued by child and forced labour; and poor and inadequate food is the biggest killer in the world. There’s an urgency to this.

“Every CEO is experiencing direct or indirect pressure around sustainability and ESG reporting.”

United Nations scientific experts have said the true impacts of the food system, including poor labour rights and environmental practices, cost society twice the value of the sector – US$19.8 trillion. This was emphasised in the True Value of Food report published by the Food Reform for Sustainability & Health project of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

OmniAction will curate ongoing data improvements, iterating toward a full framework addressing environmental impact, labour rights, land sovereignty, food safety and nutrition.

This will foster a consumer environment which progresses health and sustainability. And this in turn will foster changes in the industry and policy environments.

The launch team invites those keen to participate to register their interest and to join the official launch event.


Lise Colyer
+44 (0)7896 503 804

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Abolish Inhumane Prisons

Bruno and Washington Champion the People’s Voice During Protest March

The Oklahoma Coalition Against People Abuse (OCAPA) and the Oklahoma Libertarian Party (OKLP) partnered up last Saturday to protest inhumane conditions and overcrowding at the Oklahoma County Detention Center. The crowd gathered at 1:00 pm and marched the streets surrounding the jail, symbolizing the Israelites march around Jericho in the Old Testament. Once they finished the march, they met in front of the jail to speak and hear first-hand accounts of experiences in the county jail.

Several people shared heartfelt stories and words, most notably Libertarian Gubernatorial candidate Natalie Bruno and OCAPA founder Michael Washington.

“We need to address the over sentencing and overcrowding right away,” said Bruno. “Oklahoma sentences non-violent offenders for an average of 78% longer than other states.”

Bruno, a declared Libertarian gubernatorial candidate in Oklahoma, announced criminal justice reform is one of her top issues.

Saturday’s protest and march were organized by OCAPA’s Michael Washington, who led chants during the march and had powerful words for the crowd.

“Thank you to everyone who showed up and who showed out. It was a truly humbling feeling to have been in your presence,” said Washington.

Bruno, Washington, and other protesters emphasized that they would be back every month until conditions in the jail were improved for inmates.

Will Daugherty
Natalie Bruno for Oklahoma 2022
+1 405-612-1694

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